We hope you enjoyed this “trip” and all that our team really tried to show you. Did that story speak to you? Was there a part of the story that left you wondering more? San Antonio has a lot to be proud of when it comes to our rich culture. Our people and our community are so passionate and it is evident in our everyday life.

We talked a lot about the past, present, and future of arts and culture here but what is the brass tax? What are we even here for in LeadershipSA? Why even go through the effort? 

Well, it’s our hope that some of the stories you heard today inspire you to act. Whether that means to try local restaurants more, support local plays and shows across our theaters, or go to some of the amazing murals and really think about what the artist was trying to evoke with their expression. Our call to action to continue to encourage our talented community. Because when they are inspired, they enhance all of our quality of life. Whether its music, art, film, food, it all helps us to make this city continue to be special. Now – let’s have fun and live happily ever after! PURO VIDA!!

Your Flight Crew for this adventure:

Meredith Alvarez  Bell Papel | Bell Flor 
Nathan Anderson  SWIVEL/SWBC 
Dr Daphene Carson Alamo Colleges
Emmanuel Casasola Biobridge Global
Terrin Fuhrmann Elsewhere Garden Bar & Kitchen
Jason Massiatte Ward North American Van Lines
Dr Kasi McCormick United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County
Glenn Revell Central Catholic HS
Allison Reyes Blo Blow Dry Bar San Antonio/ Reyes Automotive Group
Kelli Rhodes Restore Education
Katie Vela South Alamo Regional Alliance for the Homeless (SARAH)